Tag Archives: Breastfeeding

WBW 2013: No Story Stands Alone part 6


Jennifer P.

About a year ago I gave birth to my baby girl, Pearl. I had taken Bradley classes, read Le Leche League’s book and been to a Le Leche League meeting. I also had very good support from my mother, my father, my husband and my mother in law after my baby was born.

Even though no one in my family was familiar with breastfeeding, no one ever made me feel unwelcome when I would nurse my baby and everyone was helpful to me around the house.

I had a home birth so I didn’t have a lactation consultant available right away, but after 3 weeks of being in significant pain from a gash in my left nipple, I hired Tess Johnson. She was so amazing, she reassured me that my instincts are right to follow, that I had been doing a good job, and that there was a solution available for my injured nipple.

Since having healed from those early weeks, I have become an even bigger advocate for breastfeeding and the need for moms to have access to the right resources and help through their journey. I feel so blessed to have this bond with my baby through nursing and am looking forward to nursing her as long as she likes.



Valerie E.

I was unable to nurse my first baby due to lack of support, knowledge, and a monster infection. I was heart broken.

When my second child came along, I was very determined to nurse. I armed myself with a ton of knowledge from books, blogs, facebook pages, and classes. I enlisted a group of supportive breastfeeding moms and had a long talk with my husband. The hospital even allowed my BFF to come into recovery with me after my C-section and help me with my first nursing session with my LO.

My 2nd baby is now 6months old and she nurses with ease.

I am a full time working mom and, with support, I’ve even gotten into a successful pumping routine.

This go round has been wonderful because of the support of my friends and family.


My MIL asks the baby if she wants “titty” and my 4 year old thinks she says “teddy”. So now when the baby is hungry, my 4 yr old asks the baby if she wants teddy. LOL. Everyone is very supportive. šŸ˜‰


A huge THANKS to all the amazing mamas who hared their inspiring stories this week!

My hope is that you or someone you know who is struggling with breastfeeding or not reaching a personal breastfeeding goals will be encouraged by one or more of these stories and know you are not alone.

Seek support and celebrate your victories with others. I promise you are not alone!


WBW 2013: No Story Stands Alone part 5


Tabitha B.

Strength, Endurance, and Support for All

Let me preface this with my story is not normal, nor is it common and itā€™s a bit long.

I am a nursery/nicu nurse with plenty of experience to feel completely prepared for what, I thought, was about to happen when I had my son. I knew what was normal, what to expect, and how to take care of newborns before I ever got pregnant. In fact, I may have taken care of some of your babies.

So let us fast forward a bit. My pregnancy was normal with no major complications other than major heartburn and being sick and nauseous all but about 6 weeks of it. I was so excited and happy that I was pregnant and going to have a little one that it was all worth it.

I chose not to write a birth plan because I worked with everyone that I would deliver with and they knew what I wanted. I ruptured and went into labor on my own at home and by the time I got to the hospital I had technically been in labor for 5 hours. Well, 18 Ā½ hours later, I quit making progress and ended up with a c-section. I was so upset and disappointed, which unknowingly would only be the first part.

I had a sweet little 7 lb 4 oz boy and was in love with him! He was perfect, had all ten fingers and toes and was doing great. Breastfeeding on the other hand was harder than expected.

He had difficulty latching and we ended up using a shield and things improved.

He started getting jaundiced. At 48 hours he had his Newborn Screening (PKU test) and Bilirubin level (jaundice) drawn. His level was at 9.8, I chose to supplement with a small amount of formula to increase his intake in order to increase his output to lower his level faster.

We discharged home after 48 hours instead of 72 hours and had our follow up appointment scheduled for the next morning, we were on track and everything seemed normal.

The follow up appointment went ok. He had lost some more weight and was more jaundice. The doctor ordered another bili level drawn, it was 15.

That afternoon we started home phototherapy, again another disappointment. The night went horrible! He started spitting up and had diarrhea , and at about 4 am it looked dark brown like it had blood in it. I called the pediatricians office as soon as it opened and got a same day appointment to go in. I was so worried and had cried on and off all morning.

At about 7:30 the home health nurse came and drew another bili level. We got the result right before we left to go to the pediatrician and it went up to 17.8. I, of course, was disappointed again. Meanwhile, I had still been breastfeeding and supplementing with formula.

We went to the pediatrician office and were admitted to the hospital for phototherapy, which is much stronger than home phototherapy, all I could do is cry. It seemed like everything kept going wrong.

I was ordered to breastfeed every 2 hours because my poor baby had lost more weight and was so jaundiced. The night went better in the hospital, we breastfed every 2 and supplemented, had several voids and a couple of stools. By the morning he weighed 5lbs 6 oz and his bili was down to 11, but he still remained sleepy and his skin had a greenish tint of residual bili. However, we were discharged at lunch.

We went home and visited with family. Feedings became more difficult. I couldnā€™t get him to hold anything down, breastmilk or formula, he threw everything up right after feeding. He became gray, had very little tone, and would not open his eyes. I knew where we were going next. I had my husband call the pediatrician to let her know what was going on. She told us to go to the pediatric ER, where I had already planned on going.

It was 6pm and we arrived at the pediatric ER, they were waiting on us from our pediā€™s phone call to them, and asked if we were the parents with the 6 day old.

They whisked him away as we followed. He was so tiny on such a large stretcher, IĀ felt and was helpless. The ped ER team was amazing. He had a nurse or doctor at every extremity doing something or collecting blood. He had every test done on him. We ended up being admitted to the Pediatric ICU.

Disappointment is nothing compared to what my husband and I felt. We chose to go home for a bit of sleep and knew he was in great hands. I had a pump and started pumping as soon as we got home. We got up feeling better and chose to go to church before heading back up to the hospital.

On our way to church we got a call from the PICU asking for consent to give blood products and that our little one was in liver failure and could go into DIC and die at any time.

The feelingsā€¦.. anger, sadness, disbelief, hatred, everything you can think ofā€¦.. they were all felt at that moment. We took the turn to the hospital and all I could think was how could this be happening and that it wasnā€™t fair.

We got to the hospital and our little one looked fine, with the exception of having 3 IVs and wires to the cardiac and respiratory monitors. He had several more test ran on him, including a spinal tap, they couldnā€™t figure out what was wrong with him. We met with a several specialist including a hematologist (hemophilia runs on my motherā€™s side of the family) and a gastroenterologist, who told me to continue to breastfeed and supplement as needed because he didnā€™t think whatever was going on was caused by my breastmilk.

Fast-forwarding a bit, we were transferred out of the PICU to the pediatric floor, which was short-lived. Our pediatricians wanted to transfer us to Birmingham Childrenā€™s hospital, however we had requested to be transferred to Vanderbilt since we knew people in the area that would be willing to let us stay with them.

Unfortunately, Vanderbilt would not take us in case a liver transplant was needed. The same afternoon my husband received a call from our pediatrician while I was bottle-feeding pumped breast milk. Without any words or hesitations my husband reaches over and pulls the bottle out of my hands and our little oneā€™s mouth. He got off the phone quickly and then told myself and our family what was going on.

Our pediatrician called to stop all breastfeeding and formula feeding immediately because he had just received the preliminary report from the State Newborn Screening that our little boy had Galactosemia. I can honestly say I had no clue what that was.

We started looking at the internet trusted medical sites my doctor-father-in-law and nurse-brother were able to get to. We learned some basic important information very quickly; Galactosemia is an inherited genetic disorder, in which the body doesnā€™t produce the enzyme to break down the simple sugar galactose, which is one of the simple sugars that lactose breaks down in to. I couldnā€™t keep from crying, it was all I could do. I was heartbroken that I couldnā€™t breastfeed and even more that my son had something wrong with him and I felt that I had caused it. To top it off soy-based formula was brought to me right after being told all of thisĀ news.

We transferred to the NICU at Childrenā€™s Hospital in Birmingham that night. By the time we got down there it was very late but we went to the NICU to visit and see where our little boy had been taken. We had to wear gloves and gowns for days anytime we visited him. He had more IVs and a central line put in. He wasnā€™t allowed to feed to allow his gut and liver time to rest and heal, he was given everything through his central line and IVs. My boy was getting everything he needed! We were very blessed by having to go to Childrenā€™s Hospital since the geneticists and nutritionist we would end up following up with was there.

While at Childrenā€™s we received our official confirmation for Classic Galactosemia from some genetic testing that was collected. Feedings were resumed after about 3 days with soy-based formula. Improvements were made each day in labs, weight, and general condition. We were finally discharged after 6 days. We were given plenty of soy-based formula by our nurses and nutritionist to last over a month. We had the support we needed to move forward.

Why is this story here for Breastfeeding week?

My experience changed my view of breastfeeding and how I thought.

Before my son was born, I couldnā€™t understand why anyone wouldnā€™t breastfeed their child. Now, I donā€™t question the choice to formula feed. I HAD to do it and my son is a healthy, smart, energetic, almost 3 year old.

While I still think and believe that breastfeeding gives a child everything he or she needs, it is still a motherā€™s choice to do so.

I use this experience to help new mothers and share quite often. I support the mother in her choice to breastfeed or bottle-feed and in some cases to let them know supplementation is not the end of breastfeeding.

Though my breastfeeding only lasted 10 days, I wanted more. I will stand by a motherā€™s bed assisting in positioning, helping ensure proper latch-on is achieved, and encouraging the mother to aid in a good start to breastfeeding for them. I want mothers to feel comfortable and at ease when I leave them and they leave the hospital, as well as for them to know they can call for help if needed.

I love my job as a mother and nurse, and am blessed to do what I do. If I am able to breastfeed with the next child I have, I will, if not it wonā€™t be as big of a let down, pun intended, as the first time. I hope to continue to help new mothers and experienced mothers with for many years to come.

Breast is best, happy breastfeeding!


If you have a story you’d like to share, please go to https://www.facebook.com/AdaptiveMom and leave it for me in a message by August, 6 2013. After that date, feel free to share your own stories in the comments below. Thanks!

WBW 2013: No Story Stands Alone part 4

The Big Latch On Event and Nursing in Public (NIP)

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August 3, 2013 was a first for me, I attended my first public breastfeeding event…oh, how far I’ve come…

As a new mom, I was proud to nurse, but struggled to even use the term “breastfeeding” (what a weenie, I know). Somewhere between only nursing shrouded in my van and breastfeeding in the park with over 30 mamas plus dads, grandmas, supporters, photographers, and kiddos…I became comfortable with my body and it’s purpose of nourishing my babies.

I have nursed in a zoo (a public one, not just my home), in church services, parks, shops, and even while working an Essante Organics booth.

I’ve learned that if I can wear my baby, I can feed him.

For me, NIP was more about accessibility than anything else. I rely on my Boppy to position and hold my baby in order to breastfeed while seated and standing holding baby one handed is out of the question. However, once I became comfortable wearing my baby, nursing while standing and walking was a breeze.

The Big Latch On event was an amazing opportunity to meet other mamas and babies of all comfort levels and in different places in their breastfeeding journeys. From a new mom to a tandem nursing mama…we were all on the same path. Each with unique goals, but a single purpose. To give our babies the best start possible and promote the normalization of breastfeeding.

The complete gallery of pictures may be viewed at 5thMonday.com

Where’s the coolest place you’ve ever breastfed your little one?

Laura F.

My public breastfeeding story:
I was a new mother with a 2 month old baby. Since I live hours away from my nearest relatives, I decided to fly to NJ with the baby to see my family for my grandmother’s 80th birthday.

After a difficult first month of breastfeeding, I finally got the hang of it and was excited and nervous to be breastfeeding in public for the first time. I bought a cover, packed my bags, and left.

The first time I fed her, I went to a secluded part of the airport so no one was near me. When I was at the Memphis airport though, no such luck.

An older gentleman sat right down next to me and started a conversation. I was sitting there thinking, “Oh no, can’t this guy just go so I can feed my baby in peace?” but he kept on talking – about breastfeeding! Mainly about how he rarely sees anyone doing it anymore, even though his wife breastfed their children. And how he was so glad that people still were breastfeeding.

It was quite an experience. It made me feel more empowered, and less embarrassed about feeding my child in public (which shouldn’t be embarrassing).

Breastfeeding support in the form of a 60 something stranger!


Deb G.

Not too long ago we went to out to get some pizza. Baby was sleeping so we took her in the car seat into the restaurant. (not a common practice for us as we tend to baby wear instead.) I knew she’d be awake soon so I was trying to determine what position would be most comfortable to nurse while in the booth. As I often do, I scanned the restaurant to see if there were any creepers in the area. I don’t mind nursing in public, but I do mind skeevy creepers and peepers. For some reason I felt it would be better to use my cover. I am not well practiced at using the cover since I find it more trouble than benefit.

She woke before I could formulate my plan. I quickly covered and attempted to get her latched on. In the process she got very mad very quickly. I abandoned the cover idea. I pulled the cover off, pulled my shirt down, walked over to a table, grabbed a chair, brought it back to the booth and proceeded to get in a better position to nurse. We both got happy, she stopped crying and mealtime was completed. When I stoop up I discovered that in my short journey to collect the chair my nipple had leaked, a lot.

Moral of the story, just nurse how it’s most comfortable and be ready the first time. Trying a technique you’re not used to while in a public setting just doesn’t pay off for anyone.


If you have a story you’d like to share, please go to https://www.facebook.com/AdaptiveMom and leave it for me in a message by August, 6 2013. After that date, feel free to share your own stories in the comments below. Thanks!

WBW 2013: No Story Stands Alone part 3


Crystal E.

In 1980 I was born 2 months early and was in an incubator 2.5 hours from where my parents lived for 2 months. My mother was unable to breastfeed but many of the mothers in the hospital at the time heard my story and donated their breast milk. I thought it was so gross the first time I heard about it when I was younger. However, after learning about the benefits of breast milk and breastfeeding my own daughter, I think it’s pretty neat!


Jennifer E.

I am a Registered Nurse so Iā€™ve seen plenty of boobs and nursing babies, but in the context of my own BF journey I wasn’t personally aware of its significance until I went to a Le Leche League meeting while I was pregnant and saw how comfortable those moms were.


Momma in Bama:

My breastfeeding story…
I breastfed both of my children. Sixteen years ago, I was a new young mom who, with support from my mom and mother-in-law decided to breastfeed. For me it came pretty naturally. What scared me the most was the prospect of pumping at work. Back then, I worked at a daycare. To my surprise, my employer was very accommodating to my need to pump for my son. Six years later, I had my daughter. When I returned to work as a teacher, the administration at my school was supportive as well, finding a time and place for me to pump.

As a working mom, there is a certain amount of guilt that I felt. I wanted to what was best for my babies by breastfeeding, but was unsure of how my employers would receive my request to pump in the workplace. My employers supported my decision to breastfeed my babies, and adapted so that I was able to supply my babies with the best food for them. Support at home is critical, but support in the workplace is just as important.


Rona S.

My daughter was born last November just after Thanksgiving. She latched perfectly the first day, but after the second day, she was not latching normally and would not open her mouth wide enough. The third day (the day we left the hospital), I requested to see a lactation consultant. She visited with me, and gave some helpful tips. However, when we went home, it was hit or miss with getting a good latch.

When she was five days old, I started pumping because I wasn’t sure she was getting enough milk. Later that evening, she was so hungry that she refused to latch, so we introduced a bottle of breast milk. After that, she would latch one to three times a day, and the rest of the time I would give her my milk in a bottle.

I was so upset that breastfeeding didn’t come natural to us. I woke up on the seventh day crying, and asked my husband to call the lactation consultant, as I couldn’t even mention breastfeeding without crying. We saw her a few days later, and she provided some information and suggestions. She was so supportive, nice, and understanding. She focused on the positive that even though latching was an issue, at least I was still able to give her my milk in a bottle. After that meeting, we would have good days and bad.

My husband was so great. He would feed her a bottle in the middle of the night while I pumped, so I could go back to sleep without having to do double duty. He would also prepare a small bottle and have it ready for me to give our daughter, so she wouldn’t be as hungry when I offered her the breast again. He is in the Army and had to go away for training for a few days when my daughter was three weeks old. I was nervous having to do everything by myself for a few days as we were still having latching issues, so I decided to go ahead and exclusively pump until he returned.

After he returned, I waited a few more days to allow myself to heal before offering the breast again. When she turned four weeks old, I attempted to breastfeed, and she finally latched! Occasionally she would give a bad latch after that, and I had major oversupply, so I had to continue pumping. However, we were successfully breastfeeding! I was so glad that I had plenty of support, so I could focus on taking it one day at a time in those early days.

My daughter is now eight months old and still breastfeeding. I’m planning to continue as long she wants. I encourage any soon to be new moms who are interested in breastfeeding to attend a local LLL meeting, find out if their hospital has a lactation consultant, and attend any breastfeeding classes if any are available. It is not always easy, but being knowledgeable about it and finding supportive resources in your area in advance is beneficial so you won’t have to do research when you’re trying to take care of a newborn.


If you have a story you’d like to share, please go to https://www.facebook.com/AdaptiveMom and leave it for me in a message by August, 6 2013. After that date, feel free to share your own stories in the comments below. Thanks!

WBW 2013: No Story Stands Alone part 2


Ollie’s Mom:

I am the mother of an amazing little superhero named Oliver. After three years of fertility treatments, he came into our world in January of 2013. While I was pregnant, I did what everybody does: read What to Expect When Youā€™re Expecting cover to cover, ordered Old Navy maternity clothes and got excited about breastfeeding. I mean, it was a win-win. Free, awesome vitamins and nutrients for him, weight loss for me. Score! Never in my wildest dreams did I think I wouldnā€™t be able to breastfeed my baby. Now, donā€™t get me wrong, I am not one of those vegan-donā€™t you dare eat preservatives-all organic types. Not even close. I never even thought about natural childbirth. I am not that bad-ass. I was willing to do street drugs if the situation called for it (no, not reallyā€¦well, maybe). But, I thought, the least I could do, would be to give my little boy a good start in life with the best nutrition God invented.

My journey began on January 22, 2013 at 5:00am. The day before, my wife and I had decided, with guidance from our doctor, that because of the positioning of Oliver, a C-section would be our best option. I arrived at the hospital nervous, but ready to meet my baby. The surgery went great and it turned out that we had made a good decision to go with the c-section because the umbilical cord was wrapped around Oliverā€™s neck three times and my doctor said it could have caused complications if he had been a vaginal delivery. Wow, I was already making great decisions and I had only been a mother for a few minutes! After the doctors closed me up, I was reunited with my wife and son in the recovery room. At first, he didnā€™t want the boob, which the nurses said was totally normal. Later, in my room, the nurse helped me with several different positions. After many, many attempts, the ā€œfootball holdā€ seemed to work best for little Ollie. But, it was hard for him to latch on. I was given several plastic nipple shields, which actually did seem to help some, but they would fall off easily and they were hard to place on the nipple properly. Still, I felt like he was doing great that first day. The second day wasnā€™t so great. He was getting more and more frustrated, and so was I. Have I mentioned a lactation consultant yet? Oh, yeah, thatā€™s because there wasnā€™t one until late into day two. And, she only stayed a few minutes. Now, I take my part of the blame on this one. Looking back, I should have asked more questions and made her watch me with him. But, shouldnā€™t she suggest these things too?

Day three, or as I like to call it, THE WORST DAY OF MY LIFE, started off with a bang. In the midst of the audiologist coming in to do a hearing screen, dietary asking me what I wanted to eat, and a crying baby, the nurse tells me that my son has a fever and that he might not be getting enough to eat. She says we will have to supplement his intake with formula. Homie, say what? What the hell? I am BREASTFEEDING. The pediatrician agreed with the nurse. I was a tired, hot mess of a mama and so, against my better judgment; I gave him the bottle of formula. It was downhill from there. Any time I tried to give him the boob, he would cry. With the bottle, he did great. This is when I learned the term, ā€œnipple confusion.ā€ And, I can totally see how it happens. That night, we sent Oliver to the nursery for one hour so that we could get just a little sleep. While he was there, they gave him a pacifier. So, now this kid has been introduced to a total of four nipple or nipple-like structures (me, the shield, the bottle and the pacifier). Have I mentioned a breast pump? No? Oh yeah, thatā€™s because no one mentioned it to me until day three of my hospital stay. We had bought one, but were told not to worry about bringing it. We were told the hospital would provide one. Well, in our haze of being new mothers and all of the craziness, we didnā€™t think to ask for one. And no one mentioned it until the PRN night nurse

came in on day three. I donā€™t know if this is common, but she seemed quite upset that I didnā€™t already have this going. My last day in the hospital, a fabulous lactation consultant came in to see me. She spent most of the day with me and made me feel a whole lot better about the situation. Alas, when I got home, Oliver and I continued to struggle. No matter how much I pumped or how much he cried in frustration, there was little to no milk to be found. Everyone kept saying, ā€œItā€™s ok. Sometimes it just doesnā€™t work.ā€ That didnā€™t make me feel better. This is the most fundamental thing a mother should be able to do for her child, and I couldnā€™t. Finally, after two weeks of losing to the bottle, I put up the white flag. If I didnā€™t have post-partum depression before then, I sure did afterwards.

I still feel guilty even though Oliver is now a happy, healthy, six month old. Heā€™s doing great, but I canā€™t help but replay those first two weeks in my brain. What could I have done differently? Said no to the bottle? Researched breastfeeding more? Met with a lactation consultant beforehand? I donā€™t know. I had endured the gamut of fertility treatments, including Clomid, Follistim, Femara and the HCG shot. I also have a blood clotting disorder, known as Factor V Leiden. This disorder causes your blood to clot more than it should, and with any surgery the risk of blood clots increases. Since I had a C-section, I was required to take daily Lovenox shots for a month after Oliver was born. Could any of this reduced my milk production? I donā€™t know. And what are the long-term effects of formula use? I canā€™t bear to Google it.

What I do know is that even though I had an awesome physician at a top-notch hospital, I feel like I was failed in this area. There cannot be too much education about breastfeeding. I feel like it should start at the first meeting with the doctor and not end until the mother says it can end. I hope to have at least one more child. I hope I can give the boob another go and this time, and you can bet your last bag of street drugs I wonā€™t leave that hospital until Iā€™ve got this breastfeeding game down.

If you have a story you’d like to share, please go to https://www.facebook.com/AdaptiveMom and leave it for me in a message by August, 6 2013. After that date, feel free to share your own stories in the comments below.

WBW 2013: No Story Stands Alone part 1


August 1-7, 2013 is World Breastfeeding Week! The theme this year is Breastfeeding Support: Close to Mothers

To celebrate, I will be sharing breastfeeding stories from different folks who were brave enough to share their adventures. Several of these stories have impacted my own breastfeeding journey.

Ā No story stands alone

I would pretty much guarantee that if youā€™re a parentā€¦youā€™ve heard at least one breastfeeding story. Was it a positive account or a nightmare? Did it make you laugh or cry? How did that story affect your decision to breastfeed or no to breastfeed?

Our stories become a web, each story influencing another, and another. We are all intertwined.

From our first time witnessing breastfeeding to the grandmother telling her grandchildren how she nursed their mother or father, it all impacts our perceptions and decisions.

My Story:

My breastfeeding story began long before the birth of my first child. It began the 1st time I witnessed a friend breastfeed. As an only child, I never watched a sibling nurse and I really donā€™t recall any exposure to breastfeeding before that day. I was 19 and in aw at her strength and perseverance as she nursed her son and continued to do so even after she returned to work and school. Her story enlightened me to new possibilities.

About 10 years later, I sat in the hospital room with another friend as she struggled to help her daughter to latch. She tried so hard to breastfeed that precious baby, but without proper support, her stress became too great and she made the decision to transition to formula. It was heartbreaking to watch her suffer so greatly and later second-guess her decision to wean. Her story inspired me to learn and now counsel others.

While I was for the preparing for the birth of my first child, I decided to learn as much as I could about this breastfeeding gig I was getting myself into.

As an adaptive mom, I wasnā€™t sure Iā€™d even be able to figure things out one handed, but I wanted to try. I had fears of having of one huge boob and one tiny one if I were only able to nurse on one side. I took the breastfeeding course at the hospital and asked for a lactation consultant in my birth plan. I was determined to try.

Day one: C-section, puking, chills, pain, more puking, and a lot of separation from my daughter. Not the best start, but I had a friend familiar with breastfeeding at my side and between heaves; sheā€™d help me get my daughter to my breast. Luckily, my daughter was a born Hoover and took to nursing quickly. The lactation consultant gave us the thumbs up and went on her way.

Day two: Shower, Physical therapy, visitors, and cracks! This time the lactation consultant gave me these bizarre bowl looking things with holes in them and instructed me to place them over my nipples between feedings to allow air to circulate (somehow this should be possible through the globs of lanolin I was also using) and heal the cracks.

Day three: Milk came in with a vengeance cracks and all!

Night shift day three into day four: Those bizarre bowl like things ā€œairing outā€ my boobs didnā€™t allow all of my milk ducts to drain causing blockages on both sidesā€¦and a very hungry and fussy baby.

Fortunately, I had the most amazing nurse that evening. She shared her story with me of her personal experience with blockages then dashed off to find a pump and some warm compresses. She stayed with me the entire night and even checked on me after her shift was over. If it had not been for her empathy and support, my breastfeeding relationship with my daughter might have ended before I ever left the hospital. Her story encouraged me to fight and continue breastfeeding.

The cracks and discomfort continued for about 2 months until my daughter corrected the latch herselfā€¦yes, I was positioning her to latch incorrectly all that time. Once I got out of the way and allowed her to do what she was born knowing how to doā€¦no more pain.

We nursed for about 15 months when she just seemed to lose interest and I chose not to push the issue. My goals were met.

Things got off to a smoother start with my son. Live and learn, right?

However, we received a lot of pressure from the hospital to give him formula to help flush his system and lower his bilirubin levels. Both of my babies suffered with jaundice, as many babies do, and this was the first Iā€™d heard of using formula as a ā€œtreatmentā€.Ā  His levels continued to rise and they had to place him under the lights. In order for my son to spend adequate time under the lights, I had to pump and was only allowed to nurse him every 3-4 hours. I pumped all I could, but in the end caved and gave him the formula mixed with my milk. This decision was traumatic for this lactivist mother to say the least, but again I was blessed with an amazing nurse whoā€™d been in similar shoes and she helped me through the long night without my son. Her story kept me sane and showed me that I was not alone.

I continued to nurse my son (11 months and counting) and he had no difficulty transitioning back to exclusive breastfeeding after that night.

We still hit bumps in the road from time to time, but Iā€™ve found an excellent support system and I hope to continue to breastfeed until my son is ready to wean.

Ā So thatā€™s my story in a nutshell.

Itā€™s all about exposure (pun intended). By sharing our stories and experiences, we can help others set and reach their own breastfeeding goals, then their stories will in turn influence and inspire others and so on…a chain reaction, of sorts.

So check back each day this week as I share new and inspiring stories. Hopefully, some of these stories will empower you or someone you share them with.

If you have a story you’d like to share, please go to https://www.facebook.com/AdaptiveMom and leave it for me in a message by August, 6 2013. After that date, feel free to share your own stories in the comments below. Thanks!

My 2 cents on Sippy Cups

I’ve been getting a lot of questions lately about sippy cups. So here’s my 2 cents…

As a Speech-Language Pathologist (SLP),

I have been taught to avoid sippy cups all together. The reason behind this instruction is based on the forward positioning of the child’s tongue when drinking from a sippy cup. This positioning, over time, may prompt some children to develop sound substitutions or a lateral lisp. This same argument often encourages weaning from the pacifier, bottle, and breast (ugh, I know, but stick with me) around the age of one.

Research suggests that children who use sippy cups may substitute /t/ for /k/, /d/ for /g/, -th- for /s/ or /z/ due to the forward tongue placement used when suckling.
For this reason, many SLPs recommend weaning from the nipple directly to a straw which utilizes a sucking pattern rather than suckling.

As a Certified Lactation Counselor (CLC),

I am a believer in extended breastfeeding, WAY beyond the child’s 1st birthday whenever possible. When a child breastfeeds or suckles, his tongue should extend over his lower incisors. This tongue placement is what saves mom from having her nipple chewed off during a good latch. Could this instinctual and natural motor pattern cause speech problems?

Babies all over the world breastfeed to an average age of 4.2 years. The majority of these children do NOT demonstrate lisps or sound substitutions.

As a mom,

I want my child to learn to drink from a cup that doesn’t spill, is easy to clean, and promotes his independence. I also want my child to transition from breast to cup and back to breast until HE is ready to wean.

So… What’s the answer?

First we must understand the difference between suckling and sucking.

In a suckle pattern, the primary movement is extend and retract. The tongue does not extend beyond the lips, remains flat and thin, and does not move laterally. Jaw opening and closing occur in conjunction with tongue movement. It’s rhythmical.

In a sucking pattern, the primary movement is up and down. The tongue is still contained within the mouth and remains flat and thin, but the tip elevates to the anterior hard palate. The movement is rhythmical, up-down cycles.

So where does this leave us in regards to the theory that extended use of the suckling pattern can lead to speech development delays?

  • One study showed that extended use of suckling outside of breastfeeding may have harmful effects on speech development in young children (Barbosa 2009).
  • Another study suggested breastfeeding may protect against language and motor skill delays in young children (Dee 2007).
  • ā€œIn addition to several benefits of breastfeeding, it contributes to a proper oral motor development and also avoids speech-language disorders, regarding oral motor system.ā€ (Neiva 2003)
  • In a study at Aarhus University Hospital in Denmark, early language development was defined as “the ability to babble in polysyllables”. The research found that “the proportion of infants who mastered the specific milestones increased consistently with increasing duration of breastfeedingā€ (Vestergaard 1999).
  • “A positive correlation was found between duration of breast feeding and performance in tests of vocabulary and visuomotor co-ordination, behaviour score, and measurements of height and head circumference…Breast feeding had no discernable effect on speech problems during the first five years.ā€ (Taylor 1984)
  • ā€œThere is another compelling benefit to exclusive breastfeeding: positive effects on the development of an infantā€™s oral cavity, including improved shaping of the hard palate resulting in proper alignment of teeth and fewer problems with malocclusions. The purpose of this commentary is to stimulate further research as well as to propose the importance of breastfeeding to developing and maintaining the physiologic integrity of the oral cavity…Having in mind that early weaning brings consequences to oral motor development, occlusion, breathing, and to children’s oral motor aspects, we have to emphasize the importance of breastfeeding. The encouragement of this practice and the proper sucking pattern is the basis for the prevention of speech-language disorders, as far as the oral motor system is concerned.” (Palmer 1998)

Now that we’ve ruled out extended breastfeeding as a contributor to speech delays and oral motor deficits, let’s discuss the options for teaching your child to drink from a cup…

Sippy Cup: A cup with a spout on the lid that can be soft or hard. There is usually a valve mechanism to prevent spills that can be removed for cleaning (good luck with that). The issue with these cups is that a child suckles the spout much like they would a pacifier or bottle which can prevent the tongue from moving into a more natural position for speech development (Remember the difference between suckle and suck?).

Straw Cup: A cup, lid, straw set with an anti-spill valve located in the straw or lid. These are a MAJOR pain to clean and are prone to grow all sorts of lovely bacteria. A straw cup promotes sucking, strengthens cheek and lip muscles, and develops a new motor pattern in your little one. The straws are also fun to chew on…BEWARE, this new knowledge may cause some confusion and biting when breastfeeding. Personally, I recommend holding off on introducing a straw to your breastfed child until he is at least 12-18 months old.

Toddler Training Cup/ Rim Cup: A cup with a twists in/on lid. The valve system is in the lid itself to prevent spills. The baby sips on the cup rim with only a minimal amount of sucking required. Drinking from a cup rim promotes appropriate tongue positioning. Just make sure they are not supporting the cup with their tongue. Drinking from a training cup also encourages lip retraction or spreading and there is little to no confusion when returning to the breast. This is the option we use and have found the Sassy Grow Up Cup easy to clean with only 3 pieces.

Cup: As an SLP and CLC, I believe this to be the best possible option. As a mom, it’s a pain in the arse. Easy to clean, but unfortunately not spill proof. Drinking from a cup allows your child to set his own pace (when guided) and promotes an ideal tongue and jaw position and movement during drinking.

In a perfect world, we could take the time to cup train our children without worrying about spills or time restraints…In reality, we must do the best we can.

Babies and children don’t need to drink every moment of every day. In fact, carrying around a cup all day may contribute to early weaning due to your child beginning to seek comfort in the cup rather than breastfeeding. I recommend keeping a spill proof cup in the diaper bag for meals on the go and rehydration during play, but restrict at home drinking to the kitchen from a cup rim whenever possible. Spills happen, but they’re easier to prevent and contain if monitored and restricted to one space.

*These are merely my thoughts on the matter. All children are different and what works for some, may not work for all. Many children develop persistent sound substitutions regardless of our best efforts and require speech therapy. If you are concerned about your child’s speech development, contact your pediatrician for a SLP consult.

References to support my 2 cents…

Huang YY,Gau ML, Huang CM, Lee JT. Supplementation with cup-feeding as a substitute for bottle-feeding to promote breastfeeding. Chang Gung Med J. 2009 Jul-Aug;32(4):423-31.

Barbosa C, Vasquez S, Parada MA, Gonzalez JC, Jackson C, Yanez ND, Gelaye B, Fitzpatrick AL. The relationship of bottle feeding and other sucking behaviors with speech disorder in Patagonian preschoolers. BMC Pediatr. 2009 Oct 21;9:66.

Dee DL, Li R, Lee LC, Grummer-Strawn LM. Associations between breastfeeding practices and young childrenā€™s language and motor skill development. Pediatrics. 2007 Feb;119 Suppl 1:S92-8.

Neiva FC, Cattoni DM, Ramos JL, Issler H. Early weaning: implications to oral motor development (Review). J Pediatr (Rio J). 2003 Jan-Feb;79(1):7-12.

Vestergaard M, Obel C, Henriksen TB, Sorensen HT, Skajaa E, Ostergaard J. Duration of breastfeeding and developmental milestones during the latter half of infancy. Acta Paediatr. 1999 Dec;88(12):1327-32.

Taylor B, Wadsworth J. Breast feeding and child development at five years. Dev Med Child Neurol. 1984 Feb;26(1):73-80.

Palmer, B. The Influence of Breastfeeding on the Development of the Oral Cavity: A Commentary. Journal of Human Lactation. 1998;14(2):93-98

A big thanks to kellymom.com for providing a place to easily locate endless research on all things breastfeeding.



Adaptive Babywearing: Baby K’tan Giveaway!

The Baby Kā€™tan Baby Carrier is a soft hybrid carrier that offers the ideal blend of a sling and wrap. Its innovative double-loop design allows mom or dad to wear baby in multiple positions, without any complicated wrapping or buckling! It is lightweight and compact, yet ergonomically designed to distribute baby’s weight across both shoulders. Retail value: $49.95. www.babyktan.com

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As Iā€™ve mentioned in a previous post, itā€™s difficult for me to carry my babies unless I am wearing them. I have always been envious of those moms who snuggled with their babies in a simple wrap carrier, but wrapping and tying them one handed never seemed doable. I even tried a few slings, but have yet to find a comfortable option. Hence, Iā€™ve always felt limited to soft structured carriers (SSC) like the Boba and Ergo.

I was introduced to the Baby Kā€™tan while shopping at my local baby boutique, A Nurturing Moment. The owner, Glenni, is familiar with my need for adaptability and encouraged me to try the Baby Kā€™tan with her weighted display doll to see if it might be an acceptable adaptable option.

After playing around with the doll in a few different carries, I decided the Kā€™tan might be worthy of further review.

[embedit snippet=”baby-ktan”]

Little did I know, it would become one of my daily essentials!

Hug Position

Hug Position

My son is a snuggler and demands human contact most of the day and night. I love this about him…itā€™s so nice to feel needed. However, it means that blogging and keeping up with housework must often take a backseat.

I tried wearing him in one of my SSCā€™s around the house and it worked well, but it was difficult to get the timing right. It’s a bit cumbersome to wear a SSC all day while baby is playing or eating just to be able to quickly pop him in it when he starts to get fussy or show feeding cues. I found that if I waited until he was ready to be held before I put the carrier on, I’d just forgo the whole thing and end up sitting with him and my Boppy.

My Baby Kā€™tan solved all of those issues. I can toss my Kā€™tan around my neck at a moments notice. Iā€™ve even worn it across my chest in preparation to grab baby and go when he starts working up a fuss. It’s about like wearing a scarf, lightweight and soft.

My son may still fuss a bit while getting situated, but no more waiting on mommy to get settled with my Boppy…oh, and my iPad…and I’ll need a water…and maybe a snack…and, crap, I better go pee first because he may sleep for hours.

The K’tan allows me to stay mobile and hands free while my son nurses and naps to his heart’s content.

So here’s the breakdown…

Ease of use:

There is a learning curve. The Baby K’tan consists of two large loops of fabric connected by a small loop and a separate sash. This can be a bit daunting for a mom who is new to babywearing. Luckily, Baby K’tan offers a free step by step guide with pictures and easy to follow instructions for each of the 6 positions. There are also how-to videos on the Baby K’tan YouTube channel, as well as, my adaptive videos below to help you get started.

Mommy Comfort:

The K’tan is super comfy. No buckles, no straps, and balanced weight distribution across your shoulders and back. For me and my 19 lb tank of a son, this is not my all day carrier. My back starts getting fatigued after a few hours even while sitting. However, if I had found this option when he was a newborn, I could see myself easily wearing him for full day outings. Also, as you’ll see below, I am able to comfortably and safely carry my 32 lb three and a half year old with my K’tan in the hip position. This can come in handy when we are out and about, as I can carry one and push the other in the stroller.
A quick adaptive note, a good stroller can offer a bit extra balance and support while baby wearing on the go. I’ll discuss this at length another day, but thought I’d mention it here as well.

Baby Comfort:

I love, love, love this carrier for baby comfort. Baby is able to move and stretch against the fabric while still staying safe and cozy next to you.
My son has eczema that often flares behind his knees and this is the ONLY carrier we’ve tried that does not cause pressure and rub spots where his legs rest and meet the fabric.


(I’m actually writing this section while nursing) We love breastfeeding in our Baby K’tan. The stretchy fabric snuggles him close and is lightweight and cool enough for baby to stay comfy. Initially, I was concerned that my Baby K’tan was going to carry him too high to comfortably nurse, but once he settled into the hug position breastfeeding was a breeze. I am able to nurse sitting or standing. Due to my right sided weakness, I could never dream of nursing standing without a carrier.
If modesty is your concern, nursing in public in your Baby K’tan can be very discrete…as you may note in one of the videos below.

The Downside:

Sizeability: You must buy the size that fits you so it can be difficult to share with another caregiver. On the flip side, this is the trade off for no straps or buckles…and sometimes it’s nice to have something in the house that you don’t have to share. šŸ˜‰

Weight Distribution: I must watch my posture in this carrier. Unlike an SSG which places some of baby’s weight on your hips, the K’tan (and any other wrap or sling carrier) distributes baby’s weight throughout your shoulders and back. For this reason, my K’tan has become my at home and quick in and out errands carrier. It is ideal for doctor’s visits, managing baby between the car and shopping cart, and nursing in public.

The Positions:

Hug Position: My favorite for my little one. Ideal for breastfeeding.

Two-Hip Position: Good for shifting baby’s weight when fatigue is an issue.

Adventure Position: We’ve attempted this hold a few times, but my son is not a fan of facing out. Babywearers should use caution when wearing a baby forward facing because it can cause extra stress to the back and shoulders due to the way the baby’s weight is distributed and carried vs. the way it’s distributed when baby is snuggled close and “wrapped around” facing your body. It’s also important to remember to support the baby’s legs and hips when forward facing. Fortunately, the K’tan allows for this needed support by enabling the wearer to widen the base of the carrier/ fabric so that it cradles the child and gives full support to his hips and spine. See Owner’s Manual p.9

Explore Position: I prefer this position to the Adventure position, but my son is almost too large at 19lbs to pull it off.

The Adventure and Explore positions may be ideal for wheelchair users that need extra security holding their little one while using hands to ambulate their chair.

Hip Position: Great for hauling a larger child. I also use this position with my son for a quick assist, but it’s not entirely hands free and thus not ideal for this one-handed wearer.

Is it wrong to want another baby just so I can try the Newborn Kangaroo Position? šŸ˜‰

With so many position options this carrier is ideal for adapting to the caregiver’s individual babywearing needs.

Baby K’tan helped me be gain independence through adaptive babywearing and I hope it will do the same for you!

In honor of Independence Day, I am offering one lucky winner a free Baby K’tan in your choice of size and color. The contest begins at midnight tonight (6/20/13) and will run through July 5th. Please share this post and submit your entries above. Good Luck!

Adaptive Baby Wearing
This part applies to all carriersā€¦whatever works for you:

My tip for any mom with limited mobility or just new to baby wearing: Find a place to sit. It is 10x easier and safer getting a baby or toddler in carrier while seated. At home, I prefer the couch for extra wiggle room. When out and about, I get baby situated in the carrier while sitting in the car or on a park bench.

To unload your baby: Simply sit and lay baby in your lap or bend over a chair, car seat and gently lay baby down and slide him out of the carrier. Once baby is situated in his next destination (car seat, floor, Dadā€™s arms) take the carrier off.

As with all things adaptive, do whatever works for you. Every body is different. Find what adaptations work best for you and your baby. My goal is to demonstrate the adaptive possibilities of the carrier, the rest is up to you!

Disclosure: I received no compensation for this post. I purchased a Baby Kā€™tan carrier at a discount for the purpose of this review. I was not required to give a positive review and all opinions are 100% my own.
I only review products that I’ve found to be adaptable through personal experience or that I have researched and tried for the purpose of adaptive review.
Amazon links are affiliate links.

Boob Camp

Last week was a whirlwind.

I attended the Healthy Children’s: Center for Breastfeeding Certified Lactation Counselor (CLC) training. Eight hours per day for 5 days culminating in a 100 question exam and 2 video practicums.

The first two days were spent unlearning many of the things I thought I already knew about breastfeeding. The rest of the week was a blur of discussions about skin-to-skin, inviting babies to the “breastaurant”, latch, latch, and more latch, pumps, formula (yes, formula…the good, the bad, and the ugly), hormones, anatomy (more than meets the eye), sore nipples, ethics, and a multitude of other equally important, mind boggling facts and issues. My brain has not felt so overloaded since grad school (which was…um…several years ago).

The thing that impressed me the most about the CLC training, was that the entire curriculum is built on evidenced based research. So much of what women learn about breastfeeding, myself included (hence all of the unlearning I had to do), comes from well intended advice from friends/family and Google searches. Myths about a mom’s breast size, milk supply, stress level, nutrition, and exhaustion discourage or deter women from breastfeeding because they may fear failure. The truth of the matter is that breastfeeding can be the most empowering experience in a woman’s life and if more women understood the facts, we could adapt our culture into one where breastfeeding is the norm. Hospitals should be encouraging moms to seek out professional lactation support and evidence based resources like OurMilkyWay.org, KellyMom.com, and BreastfeedingUSA.org rather than passing out formula samples (I’ll save that rant for another post).

Another unique aspect of the CLC approach is that it’s a “hands off” approach. Many women report being turned off by lactation support that consisted of grabbing and touching mom and baby. The reality is that healthy term babies can locate their mom’s breast and latch correctly if only given the opportunity. Lactation support may require little more than educating and encouraging mother and baby. Sure, there are special cases that require more assistance and problem solving, but many of the “problems” moms encounter are created by too much interference and not enough faith in mom’s ability to meet her baby’s needs.

For me, this “hands off” approach means that I am not limited by my physical abilities. The CLC program is one that would be easily adaptable and accessible to anyone able to complete the training. The only requirement is possessing a determination to help others.

In the end, I learned a ton about lactation, breastfeeding, and counseling. I highly recommend the course to anyone interested in helping moms and babies.

Now, I sit and wait while they grade our assessments for the next 6-8 weeks. Oh the torture!
